Tuesday, 18 October 2022

Shewee LTD, Ingleton, Carnforth, North Yorkshire


Shewee LTD, Ingleton, Carnforth, North Yorkshire

Shewee LTD has been proving the most well-known toilet solutions for ladies since 1999. Invented in 1999 by Samantha Fountain it was made as a way to improve trips to toilets for women.

It was made publicly available in 2003. It is stocked in several high street stores along with a number of pharmacies in the UK.

In 2013 the 3rd rebranding of products was created which features a Shewee pace, power and pure which includes an extension pipe and carry case.

Other products available include The Peebol which is a portable toilet available for men, women and children. It folds completely flat to fit in a pocket or purse. There are also X-fronts that provide comfortable, stylish and functional underwear for women.

Women everywhere are discovering that the benefits of being able to urinate hygienically and discreetly without removing clothes are liberating.
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